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The Pensky Martens Flash Point Apparatus is an instrument used to determine the flash point of a flammable liquid. It is used to assess the flammability of liquids by measuring their auto-ignition temperatures. The apparatus consists of a test cup and a heating device, typically an electric heating element, that is used to heat the test cup containing the liquid sample. The test cup is closed with a lid to prevent evaporation of the liquid sample and to ensure that the temperature remains constant. As the temperature rises, the flash point is reached when the liquid vaporizes and a spark is released. The flash point is recorded and the apparatus is then shut off.

This is widely used for determination of closed cup Flash Point of Fuel Oil, cut back asphalts, other viscous material and suspension of solids having a flash point about 490C(1200F).The apparatus serve the purpose according to IP 34, ASTM-D-93-58T, IS-1448(P:I) 1960(P:21) The apparatus consists of Brass Test cup with handle removable cup cover with spring operated rotating shutter having piolet jet, stirrer with flexible shaft.

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